Digressio: Inherit the Humanities

Ep 8 - Latin Acquisition with Tim Griffith

Daniel Foucachon Season 1 Episode 8

Timothy Griffith joins us to answer the question "Why Latin?" and why we need to integrate the three pathways of Use, Grammar, and Reading. We also bash the SAT a little bit, and talk about the CLT.

Tim Griffith, Fellow of Classical Languages, New Saint Andrews College
Picta Dicta

1. Why learn latin?
2. Why latin over another language?
3. Being familiar with the ancient worldview
4. Real education vs. Studying to the test, and the Classical Learning Test.
5. The three learning pathways
6. The Grammar Approach and the Natural Method vs. Mixed Method Latin
7. How Picta Dicta uses all the learning pathways

The Mass Extinction Nobody Talks About - Tim Griffith
The Classic Learning Test
Picta Dicta as a live class at Kepler Education